Exchange on data protection policies of Indonesia and Germany

Mandarin Hotel Jakarta / online; 14:00-16:10 (UTC+7) / 09:00-11:10 (CEST)

The German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) and the Indonesian Ministry of Communications and Informatics (MCI) cooperate within the Indonesian-German Digital Dialogue. The aim is to jointly shape better framework conditions for the digital transformation. The Digital Dialogue provides a platform that brings together policy makers, regulators and stakeholders from business, academia and civil society. The multi-stakeholder exchange ensures that political approaches meet current needs.

As part of their Digital Dialogue, BMDV and MCI cordially invite interested stakeholders to the exchange on data protection policies of Indonesia and Germany. The event will take place on Tuesday, 26 September 2023 from 09:00 to 11:10 (DEU: UTC+2) / 14:00 to 16:10 (IDN: UTC+7).

The exchange will be conducted in English. Participants can join online or on site at the Mandarin Hotel Jakarta. Kindly be aware that seating for this event is limited. Registration is now closed.

During the session, BMDV and MCI will inform about Germany’s and Indonesia's data protection policies and share insights about their development and implementation. Stakeholders from Germany and Indonesia will then discuss the implementation of the regulations, best practices for complying with the regulations while balancing innovation and data security, as well as the topic of cross-border data flow.

You will have the opportunity to share your experiences and engage in discussions during a Q&A session. For more details, please refer to the agenda:

The stakeholder dialogue aims to promote the effective implementation of the personal data protection law in Indonesia and to strengthen the harmonisation of data protection policies at international level.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via We look forward to your participation!




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