Indonesian-German AI Dialogue 2023

Online / Jakarta Future City Hub; 08:00-11:00 (CET) / 14:00-17:00 (WIB)

The German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) and the Indonesian Ministry of Communications and Informatics (MCI) cooperate within the Indonesian-German Digital Dialogue. They exchange regularly and aim to jointly shape better framework conditions for the digitalisation. Stakeholders from business, academia and civil society also take part in the Digital Dialogue. This ensures that political approaches meet current needs. One focus topic within the Indonesian-German Digital Dialogue is the promotion and regulation of artificial intelligence (AI).

Therefore, BMDV and MCI cordially invite interested stakeholders to the first Indonesian-German AI Dialogue, in collaboration with the German Embassy Jakarta. The hybrid event will take place on Tuesday, 12 December 2023 from 08:00 to 11:00 (DEU: UTC+1) / 14:00 to 17:00 (IDN: UTC+7) at the Jakarta Future City Hub in English.

MCI and BMDV will provide an overview of the developments and regulation of AI in Indonesia and Germany. Then, they will host a panel discussion on international AI regulation. Discussion questions include the current status of international AI regulation, the impact of frameworks like the European AI Act and the challenges faced on an international level. You will have the opportunity to share your perspectives on AI and directly engage in the discussion during a Q&A session. Another highlight will be the award ceremony for the 48 Hours Innovation Challenge. In this challenge, students from German and Indonesian universities worked on solutions for using AI for sustainable urban development. The winning team will present their solution during the event.

Prior to and following the event, there will be a gallery walk at the venue: Various organisations will showcase projects that use AI in practice.

The AI Dialogue will foster the common understanding of AI development and regulation in Indonesia and Germany. The aim is to promote the development of trustworthy and reliable AI as well as balanced and harmonised regulations.

Please contact us at if you have any questions.

We look forward to your participation!




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