International Digital Dialogues: Stakeholder Consultations 2023

Berlin // online

On 24 January, the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) hosts the Stakeholder Consultations 2023 for the International Digital Dialogues. The consultation on the Digital Dialogues with India and Indonesia takes place from 10:00-12:00 CET. From 15:00-17:30 CET, the focus lies on Brazil and Mexico.

The Digital Dialogues are a multi-stakeholder initiative of BMDV and its partner governments. It aims to shape better global framework conditions for the digital transformation through bilateral exchange and cooperation. The Digital Dialogues provide a platform for connecting policy makers, regulators and stakeholders from the business community, academia and civil society. The regular exchanges ensure that political approaches and solutions for the digital transformation target current needs and make good economic sense.

BMDV will welcome the stakeholders on site in Berlin for the consultation meetings. They take place in a hybrid format so that online participation is possible as well.

The interactive meetings provide an opportunity for the stakeholders to contribute their focus topics, share current challenges, share ideas for projects or activities and raise important issues to BMDV – and last but not least, to network over lunch.

The invitation with the link to the registration form was directly sent to the stakeholders. If you wish to participate and have not received an invitation, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are looking forward to welcome you at the Stakeholder Consultations 2023!




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