Workshop at IGF 2023: How to build trust in user-centric digital public services

Kyoto, Japan / Online; 14:45-15:45 (JST) / 07:45-08:45 (CEST)

The Secretariat for the International Digital Dialogues coordinates a workshop that will revolve around trustworthy digital public services. It will take place on 8 October from 14:45 to 15:45 (JST) / 07:45 to 08:45 (CEST) at the UN Internet Governance Forum (IGF) 2023 in Kyoto, Japan. The workshop will be held in a hybrid format, allowing for on-site and online participants.

Digital public services can bring many benefits to citizens and businesses. Online tax filing, e-voting, digital identity verification and public transport apps are just some examples. They have the potential to improve service delivery and foster innovation and collaboration among different stakeholders. For the successful implementation of digital public services, trust is a crucial factor, as citizens need assurance of responsible data handling and service reliability.

The workshop will explore important factors and possible measures for driving adoption of digital public services and building trust with citizens. The speakers will also share challenges to building trust in digital government as well as best practices on maintaining trust – especially in times of rapid development of artificial intelligence. The event features speakers from different regions worldwide as well as different sectors. Participants will have the opportunity to engage with the experts and ask questions.

To join the session virtually, go to the session page on the IGF website (click here). Register for the IGF and then add the session to your personal schedule. To join the session in person, you must be registered for the IGF as on-site participant and can then drop in.




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