Panel on platform regulation at the Brazilian IGF

The German-Brazilian Digital Dialogue is promoting a panel on digital platforms at the 13th Brazilian Internet Governance Forum (IGF). The Brazilian IGF is a platform that brings together stakeholders from the public and private sectors, civil society, and academia to debate internet governance and emerging technologies in Brazil. It serves as a preparatory activity for the UN IGF.

This year’s edition of the forum will be held in Uberlândia, in Minas Gerais, from 30 May to 2 June 2023 in a hybrid format.

The Digital Dialogues panel “Digital Platforms: Socio-economic Foundations, cross-sectoral perspectives and regulatory challenges” will take place on 01 June 2023, 16:30 BRT / 21:30 CET. Through a multistakeholder perspective, the panel will discuss the economic aspects of platform regulation in Brazil.

Follow the live broadcast of the workshop (in Portuguese) on Youtube.

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