Follow up Exchange on the Management and Operations of 5G Connectivity

Online / 08.00 – 10.00 DEU (UTC+1) / 14.00 – 16.00 IDN (UTC+7)

The rise of digital transformation is reshaping industries, and at the heart of this shift is 5G connectivity, which plays a pivotal role in enabling next-generation technologies. As 5G becomes more widespread, it will drive the expansion of the Internet of Things (IoT), evolving into the Industrial Internet, where machines, devices, and systems are seamlessly interconnected.

One of the key factors for a successful and sustainable 5G rollout is an effective spectrum management. A common challenge faced by many countries during their transition to 5G is the lack of interest from operators, driven by high costs of equipment and spectrum licenses necessary for 5G connections.

To address these common challenges, The Indonesian – German Digital Dialogue on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) and the Indonesian Ministry for Communications and Digital, organizes the Follow up Exchange on Management and Operation of 5G Connectivity with the aim to provide a platform for policymakers and stakeholders to discuss and share best practices, including mapping potential collaborations on the topic of 5G connectivity.  

To join the discussion, please join this Zoom link provided by the MCI:

Join Zoom Meeting: Dial-In Link

Meeting ID: 974 6015 4972

Passcode: 654334


The consultation will be conducted in English.

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