

Webinar: Paving the Way to Sustainable AI

On 10 July, the Secretariat for the Brazilian-German Digital Dialogue organised an online webinar titled “AI, Regulation, and the Environment: Pathways to a Sustainable Planet”, in partnership with the G20 engagement groups Business 20 (B20) and Think Tanks 20 (T20). Speakers from around the globe discussed the benefits and challenges of incorporating sustainability into AI systems.

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Green Paper: Structuring data spaces in Brazil

The Secretariat for the Brazilian-German Digital Dialogue supported the development of a second green paper on data spaces. This publication, written in Portuguese, examines the challenges and opportunities in Brazil's digital landscape for implementing data spaces. It is now available for download below.

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Webinar on openIMIS: Open-Source solution for complex healthcare and social protection systems

On 18 July, the Secretariat for the Brazilian-German Digital Dialogue, in collaboration with the Code for Development (Code4Dev) initiative of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), hosted the webinar "Learn to Deploy the Open-Source Tool openIMIS." The event healthcare professionals, software developers, and social protection administrators to debate the management of healthcare systems and social protection programs.

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Panel discussion about data spaces in the aviation sector

On 23 April, the Secretariat for the Brazilian-German Digital Dialogue and the EU-Brazil Digital Dialogue participated in the panel discussion “Aviation data spaces: The importance of promoting interoperability in the aviation sector”. It took place at the Digital Week of the Brazilian National Agency for Civil Aviation (ANAC). The panel highlighted the importance of data spaces for secure, trustworthy and interoperable data sharing.

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