Hannover Messe 2022: Expert Roundtable on Smart Urban Mobility

Hannover Messe

On 1 June 2022, selected experts will exchange on the topic of Smart Urban Mobility under the auspices of the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV). Within the framework of BMDV's Digital Dialogues, high-ranking representatives of the public and private sector will meet at an exclusive roundtable.

After a long restriction to digital formats, Hannover Messe 2022 opens up new opportunities for intensive exchange and networking. BMDV's Digital Dialogues invite its stakeholders to discuss Smart Urban Mobility in the trade fair's conference centre.

Invited experts will discuss topics at the nexus of digitalisation and sustainability of urban mobility systems. The participants are from Germany, Mexico, Brazil and India. They represent, among others, the Fraunhofer FOKUS Institute, the largest Indian IT association NASSCOM, Larsen & Toubro, invenio Digital Systems as well as the Mexican initiative Nuevo León 4.0.

Identification of key topics for International Digital Dialogues

Aspects such as connectivity, data governance, intellectual property and innovation as well as the interaction between government and industry will be discussed on the basis of guiding questions. The experts will talk about public-private partnerships to advance Smart Urban Mobility. They will also share best practices and challenges in smart mobility solutions in their respective countries. Then, the participants will exchange views on the main drivers of Smart Urban Mobility, what role the use of 5G plays and what the main regulatory challenges are.

In addition to the cross-border exchange of experiences, the aim of the event is to identify key topics, synergy potentials and cooperation projects for the Digital Dialogues with the partner countries India, Brazil and Mexico.

The main results of the discussion will be published here on the Digital Dialogues website.

If you have any questions about this event, please contact Torge Wolters.

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