Fourth Annual Meeting of the Brazilian-German Digital Dialogue and MCTI’s Technical Mission

Every year, high-level government representatives, technical experts and private sector stakeholders from both countries meet to evaluate the progress made on the current Work Plan, which entails areas such as internet governance, data protection, artificial intelligence (AI) as well as cybersecurity and works as a platform to facilitate exchange between stakeholders and promote collaboration projects.
This year, the Fourth Annual Meeting was held in a hybrid format in Berlin. It was co-chaired by State Secretary Stefan Schnorr of the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) and Henrique Miguel, Secretary of Science and Technology for Digital Transformation at the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI). Both secretaries highlighted their commitment to working together and creating shared initiatives within the scope of the Brazilian-German Digital Dialogue.
Annual Meeting
The BMDV and MCTI together with the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) and the Brazilian Ministry for Management and Innovation in Public Services (MGI) discussed strategies on Artificial Intelligence (AI), information integrity, data spaces, and digital public infrastructure. In addition, the German National Academy of Science and Engineering (Acatech) participated in the exchange. All actors highlighted the relevance of the Digital Dialogue as a platform for involving the private sector, academia and civil society in a common discussion on how to shape international frameworks for digitalisation together.
Following this, stakeholders from the Brazilian-German Digital Dialogue engaged in an in-depth discussion on digital transformation. The dialogue covered topics such as smart cities, quantum technology, and semiconductors. For each of these areas, participants identified specific actions aimed at fostering stronger collaboration and outlined targeted strategies to address shared challenges.
MCTI’s Technical Mission
To take advantage of the delegation's presence in Germany for the annual meeting, the Secretariat for the German-Brazilian Digital Dialogue organised a technical mission for the MCTI, which included visits to various technology centres across the country. The mission aimed to foster bilateral relations and deepen mutual understanding of the technologies and policies shaping each country's digital landscape. Building on previously discussed topics such as AI, cybersecurity, data ecosystems and semiconductors, the mission provided MCTI with valuable insights into advanced technologies and best practices adaptable to the Brazilian context.
The itinerary included in-depth meetings with researchers, industry experts, and policymakers, with discussions focused on enhancing bilateral technology cooperation. By sharing experiences and building networks, MCTI and its German counterparts aimed to lay the groundwork for future partnerships that will drive innovation and strengthen the technological capabilities of both countries.

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