Exchange on indicators and indexes for digital development


On 2 September, the secretariat for the Mexican-German Digital Dialogue organised a virtual exchange between two think tanks from both countries, Initiative D21 and Centro México Digital, on the development of digital indicators and indexes.

Digital indicators as key tools for measuring technological progress and digital transformation in global economies. © Shutterstock

This exchange was held to explore and compare the approaches of both countries in the creation and use of indicators in the development of their digital indexes.

D21, recognised in Germany for its studies and monitors on digitalisation, presented its work on the development of indices that measure the status of digitalisation in the country. Centro México Digital, on the other hand, highlighted the efforts made in Mexico to contribute to closing the digital divide between different regions and to promote a more inclusive and equitable digitalisation.

Challenges in digitisation and segmentation of society

One of topics discussed was the segmentation of the digital society. D21 has identified different user groups in Germany, ranging from those with limited internet use to those with a high degree of technological competence. This segmentation allows for the development of more targeted and effective public policies, adapted to the specific needs of each group.

In Mexico, Centro Mexico Digital has also faced similar challenges, although exacerbated by geographic dispersion and socio-economic diversity. One of the biggest challenges is obtaining meaningful responses from Mexican companies in surveys on technology adoption and cybersecurity. Thus, the importance of continuing these efforts to foster more inclusive digital development.

International collaboration for digital development

The exchanged thematised international synergies to advance the digital transformation. Both countries recognise the importance of sharing best practices and learning from the successes and challenges faced by other countries.

The D21 survey, which has polled more than 30,000 people, has also been used to inform public policy in Germany and other European countries. The collaboration with Austria and Switzerland, which share similar socio-digital characteristics, has been an example of how sharing data and experiences can improve the efficiency and adoption of digital services.

Moving towards more inclusive and equitable digitisation

Both think tanks have worked to measure the impact of digitisation in their respective countries. Although both face unique challenges, share a commitment to promoting inclusive, evidence-based digitisation,this exchange has been an opportunity to explore new forms of bilateral collaboration.

As efforts to advance digital transformation continue, it is crucial that governments, businesses and civil society work together to ensure that the benefits of digitalisation reach all sectors of society. Therefore, the Mexican-German Digital Dialogue will continue to provide a platform for exchange on the challenges and opportunities of the digital transformation of the economy.  

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