Launch of the International Data Spaces Association (IDSA) Hub in Brazil

The Secretariat for the Brazilian-German Digital Dialogue and the EU-Brazil Digital Dialogue, in collaboration with IDSA, the Brazilian Association of Internet of Things (ABINC) and the Eldorado Research Institute, launched the first IDSA Hub in the Americas. The inauguration took place on 21 March at Eldorado's premises in Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Roberto Soboll, Superintendent of the Eldorado Research Institute, and Paulo Spaccaquerche, President of ABINC, welcomed the public. Henrique de Oliveira Miguel, Secretary of Science and Technology for Digital Transformation (MCTI) delivered a message which joyfully celebrated the joint initiative.
During the event, the participants exchanged views on the opportunities and challenges of implementing data spaces, based on international experiences. They also discussed joint activities of the private and public sector. The hub's priority for this first year is to raise awareness about data spaces in Brazil and then involve companies in the development of data spaces in the country.
Input from experts on data spaces
Sebastian Steinbuss, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of IDSA, presented international best practices related to data spaces. He argued that data sharing is fundamental to maximise the value of the data economy. However, companies currently share only 2 percent of their total data due to a lack of appropriate technological infrastructure. Steinbuss also explained that national IDSA hubs facilitate the adoption of IDSA standards as well as the development of secure data sharing ecosystems that are interoperable with global standards.
Moving forward, Néstor Fabián Ayala, Director of the Organizational Engineering Group (NEO) at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul presented the structural conditions for the implementation of data spaces in Brazil. Ayala highlighted that one of the hub's missions is to integrate national and global supply chains, enabling companies to share and benefit from data – which can also positively impact consumers.
Opportunities for Brazil
The event also featured insights from Bruno Jorge, Manager of Technological Dissemination at the Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development (ABDI). He specified the opportunities of data spaces for the agricultural sector.
Marcos Pinto, General Coordinator of Interoperability at the Secretariat of Digital Government of Brazil, highlighted the importance of digitalisation and use of data in the public administration. He also acknowledged the role of the government as an important data provider in data spaces.
About the EU-Brazil Digital Dialogue
In 2023, the EU-Brazil Digital Dialogue and Partnership Facility was established to advance the partnership between the European Union and Brazil on digital policy matters. It is part of the Team Europe Initiative Brazil and facilitates the implementation of follow-up activities of the EU-Brazil Dialogue on Information Society and Digital Economy (DISDE). The dialogue is supported by GIZ as part of a joint action between the EU Delegation to Brazil and the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV).
The EU-Brazil Digital Dialogue aims to promote policy harmonisation and regulatory exchange across policies dealing with digital technologies. It also fosters private sector cooperation between the European Union and Brazil through the organisation of B2B networking events, among other activities.
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