Mid-term review of the Brazilian-German Digital Dialogue
During the mid-term review meeting, both ministries aim to take stock of the implementation of the Work Plan and jointly define the priorities for the upcoming months. This time, they additionally exchanged on possible focus topics for the new biannual Work Plan which will be adopted in 2023.
BMDV was represented by Heiko Wildner and Philipp Schulte. Eliana Emediato, Vânia Gomes and Everton Goursand represented MCTI. The Secretariat for the German-Brazilian Digital Dialogue also participated in the meeting.
BMDV and MCTI see positive outcomes of the dialogue
The delegations of BMDV and MCTI highlighted that the Digital Dialogue is an important and successful instrument to work on the harmonisation of digital policies. The results achieved so far prove the relevance of the current Work Plan and encourage to continue the dialogue together with the engaged stakeholders.
During 2022, the German-Brazilian Digital Dialogue focused on implementing activities that were outlined together with stakeholders in the prior year. The topics of internet governance and digital government saw an increased engagement of stakeholders from civil society and academia. Wildner positively mentioned the events organised with the Brazilian National Agency for Data Protection (ANPD) and the ongoing working group that developed the green paper on 5G private campus networks.
New topics for the 2023-2024 Work Plan
For the new biannual Work Plan, potential new topics are the twin transition, mobility, Web 3.0, quantum computing and digital health. Most of these topics were already addressed in the Brazilian Stakeholder Consultations in November 2022.
The Secretariat for the German–Brazilian Digital Dialogue will further analyse the stakeholders’ interests in these topics and will suggest concrete activities to be implemented in the framework of the dialogue.
Wildner stressed that the topic of twin transition is a focus of BMDV, since digitalisation can be an essential lever for mitigating climate change. Emediato also stated that the matter will have growing relevance within MCTI from 2023 onwards.
Looking ahead: The Annual Meeting
The 2023 Annual Meeting of the German-Brazilian Digital Dialogue will be held in Brazil. High-level representatives from both BMDV and MCTI will participate on site.
The meeting is expected to take place in the second half of 2023. The ministries will decide on the exact date in the upcoming months.
More interesting news
Webinar: Paving the Way to Sustainable AI
On 10 July, the Secretariat for the Brazilian-German Digital Dialogue organised an online webinar titled “AI, Regulation, and the Environment: Pathways to a Sustainable Planet”, in partnership with the G20 engagement groups Business 20 (B20) and Think Tanks 20 (T20). Speakers from around the globe discussed the benefits and challenges of incorporating sustainability into AI systems.
Green Paper: Structuring data spaces in Brazil
The Secretariat for the Brazilian-German Digital Dialogue supported the development of a second green paper on data spaces. This publication, written in Portuguese, examines the challenges and opportunities in Brazil's digital landscape for implementing data spaces. It is now available for download below.
Webinar on openIMIS: Open-Source solution for complex healthcare and social protection systems
On 18 July, the Secretariat for the Brazilian-German Digital Dialogue, in collaboration with the Code for Development (Code4Dev) initiative of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), hosted the webinar "Learn to Deploy the Open-Source Tool openIMIS." The event healthcare professionals, software developers, and social protection administrators to debate the management of healthcare systems and social protection programs.
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