Publication: Germany's Strategy for International Digital Policy


On 7 February 2024, Germany’s first Strategy for International Digital Policy was published by the federal government. It serves as a shared compass for Germany’s global digital policy engagement. The strategy is the prelude to and the foundation of an implementation process that will continue to involve stakeholders intensively.


Digital technologies are increasingly becoming a political factor, and Germany and Europe are called on to act as active shapers. As a high-tech country and globalised economy, Germany is committed to a digital order that enables democracy and freedom, prosperity as well as sustainability and resilience.

The strategy was developed in an inclusive process. Over one hundred entities participated in its development through several open dialogue formats, including civil society initiatives, digital associations, research institutions, and business representatives. International stakeholders and representatives from international organizations such as the United Nations were also involved.

Nine guiding principles

At the core of the strategy are nine guiding principles. They provide orientation for better coordination and proactive shaping of international digital policy initiatives in the future.

  1. We protect fundamental rights and human rights – online and offline.
  2. We advocate for a global, open, free, and secure internet.
  3. We enhance value-based technology partnerships.
  4. We promote human-centric and innovation-friendly rules for the digital space.
  5. We support secure cross-border data flows with trust.
  6. We actively help to shape international standards.
  7. We strengthen a secure and sustainable global digital infrastructure.
  8. We mitigate risks along technology value chains.
  9. We use digitalization to tackle global challenges.

The German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) will further intensify its commitment to international digital policy. For example, BMDV will expand its bilateral Digital Dialogues with African states and continue to involve stakeholder intensively in the further strategy process. BMDV also plans to create a position at the Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York.

You can find Germany’s Strategy for International Digital Policy here as pdf and BMDV's press release on the publication here.

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