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Webinar: Simplifying cybersecurity - Practical guide for MPEs

On 11 September, the Secretariat for the Brazilian-German Digital Dialogue, in partnership with the G20 Engagement Group for Business (B20), hosted the webinar “Simplifying Cybersecurity: Practical Guide for MPEs.” The Secretariat presented the Quick Guide on Cybersecurity for SMEs while cybersecurity experts shared their contributions.

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Webinar: Paving the Way to Sustainable AI

On 10 July, the Secretariat for the Brazilian-German Digital Dialogue organised an online webinar titled “AI, Regulation, and the Environment: Pathways to a Sustainable Planet”, in partnership with the G20 engagement groups Business 20 (B20) and Think Tanks 20 (T20). Speakers from around the globe discussed the benefits and challenges of incorporating sustainability into AI systems.

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Green Paper: Structuring data spaces in Brazil

The Secretariat for the Brazilian-German Digital Dialogue supported the development of a second green paper on data spaces. This publication, written in Portuguese, examines the challenges and opportunities in Brazil's digital landscape for implementing data spaces. It is now available for download below.

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