Green Paper: Structuring data spaces in Brazil


The Secretariat for the Brazilian-German Digital Dialogue supported the development of a second green paper on data spaces. This publication, written in Portuguese, examines the challenges and opportunities in Brazil's digital landscape for implementing data spaces. It is now available for download below.

Click on the cover to open the publication. © Digital Dialogues-GIZ

In July 2023 the first green paper (available here) introduced the concept of data spaces, emphasising the benefits of sharing data through them. It also presented insights from lighthouse projects which are small-scale but have a significant impact on the wider picture. The publication aided Brazilian stakeholders in exploring opportunities presented by this data infrastructure.

Deeping the debate, the second paper analyses the necessary conditions for developing data spaces in Brazil. It was written after two technical workshops occurred in 2023 in the Brazilian cities Porto Alegre and São Paulo, where data use and sharing experts provided their inputs on the topic.

The experts from the Centre of Organizational Engineering (NEO-UFRGS) conducted the workshops and developed the paper, with the support of the Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development (ABDI), the Brazilian Association of Machinery and Equipment Industry (ABIMAQ) and the Brazilian Association of Electrical and Electronic Industry (ABINEE).

Crafting the document with specialist input

Both workshops offered valuable insights that clarified the challenges and opportunities involved in developing Brazilian data spaces. The European initiative Gaia-X was displayed as a concrete example demonstrating the positive outcomes of data space implementation.

During the workshops, the participants analysed the various dimensions involved in realising data spaces in Brazil, including drivers, barriers, key stakeholders, ecosystem activities, operational strategies, priority sectors for lighthouse projects, and industrial policies.

Strategies for developing data spaces in Brazil

Based on the results of the events, the paper suggests eight strategies for developing data spaces and industrial policy initiatives in the country. The finding that partnerships between policymakers and private sectors can enhance the competitiveness of the national industry in the global value chain through effective data sharing, poses the concluding recommendation.

The green paper is written in Portuguese and is now available for download here:

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