Publication: Quick guide on cybersecurity for small businesses

The ongoing digitalisation of the productive sector can optimise processes and increase transparency. Besides the numerous benefits, digitally transformed companies also face risks. The number of cyberattacks is rising, and cybercriminals are becoming more and more professional. Experts anticipate that every company will be attacked at some point. The crucial question is not "if", but "when" these attacks will occur.
Unlike larger corporations with dedicated IT security departments, MPEs are more exposed. They have less resources and need more support and guidance on how to protect their company.
To support MPEs in enhancing cybersecurity, the Secretariat for the Brazilian-German Digital Dialogue developed this quick guide. Its primary objective is to demonstrate MPEs how they can be better prepared for cyberattacks. It provides concrete information and measures that do not require significant financial or personnel investments.
The development of the quick guide was a joint effort
The quick guide draws inspiration from the brochure "Cyber-Sicherheit für KMU", developed by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). The original publication in German is accessible here. The German Association of Mechanical Engineering Industry (VDMA), the Brazilian Association of Software Companies (ABES) and the Brazilian Association of Information Technology and Communication Companies (Brasscom) provided essential input to adapt the document to the Brazilian context.
The publication is divided into three sections. The first involves a self-assessment of vulnerability, enabling readers to quickly evaluate their level of exposure to cyberattacks. The second part contains risk mitigation measures that MPEs can adopt to enhance their security levels. The final section shows how to react after discovering a cybersecurity incident.
You can download the quick guide here:
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